One of the first and most important things you need to remember when you play Prison Architect is that budgeting will be the key to doing well in this game. No jail design knowledge is needed for you to create one. Read on if you want to know a few no-brainer tips on how you can create an excellent maximum security prison.
Fortunately, we’ve come up with a guide on how you can build an excellent maximum-security prison.Ī Guide To Building A Maximum Security Prison All these are likely going to be a few things you need to think of when playing the game.
You might even wonder about the essential rooms needed. You will ponder things like where you should place specific rooms or how many staff and guards you should have. The problem here is that building a good prison is not going to be easy, especially if you have no idea what a prison looks like from the inside. Unlike other simulation games, playing this game is challenging. Specifically, you get to build and design your prison, as well as decide who should be executed. It’s a simulation game where you will play the role of a warden in charge of running the prison and a prison architect and executioner. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to manage and run a maximum-security prison? If you do, then you will love playing Prison Architect.